Dear, You....
Before you come, I always think
there’s no one can knock my home. I always said there’s no one home, but I never
let every single thing in it. Then, you knock it again…again…and again until I
crazily beg you to keep knocking it. I never know that I can feel so distracted
because of you. I can’t imagine there’s someone who easily changed my perfect
life plan and destroy my idea about everything I think as the best choice, and
it’s you. I still never realize that I can be undeniably so happy, and feel the
rush. How can I never stop smiling? Ah, you’re so annoying, really annoying. Damn
you! I hate you because of settling in my heart. Then…it feels like something
here, moving and melting. Ah, I think while I hate you I’m starting to feel
this crazy little crush, and…and…and I’m starting to worry that you will break
my heart before it’s given to you, you will say ‘no’ before I say the real
feeling of mine, and you will feel it’s not good before you try to fit it. But,
if there’s nothing to this, and if there’s no such real between us, well…don’t
ever give any hope to me, don’t ever let me in if you’re not there, don’t ever
let me come closer if there’s already someone home. I don’t want to lose much
dear, so please play me fair!
lllaaaahhh kenapa ini buatku khusus miss? Emang aku doang yang ngerasain ini? =='' hayah
Miss juga kaan? Iya kaaan? :D
But anyway, mantaps lah missnya bisa baca pikiran akuh :O
Sabar ya miss *puk puk*
Dan miss ooohhh miss... #APASIH
Pas laaaaaaah buat kamu mah. #Eaaaaah....
Btw, komen kamu secara gak langsung ngasih tau ke semua orang kalo kamu merasakan sama seperti apa yg aku tulis. Cieeeee... #NowSinging "Jatuh cinta...berjuta rasanya..." LOL
Ya emang, miss. Siapa yang mau mungkir emangnyah? (mungkir tuh nama gajah ya miss? ==''
Miss miss miss. Emang judulnya miss relevan sama isinya yah? :D Kalo buat judul harusnya di baca dulu isi ceritanya miss *langsung di DO* *nilai terancam* cabuuuuuuuuuut!!! :P #maapbude...
Bagi aku, nulis seperti ini nggak banget. Tapi ngerasain hal kaya gini, aku banget. Bhahahahak....
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