Thursday, May 24, 2012

#Day15 Losing....losing...losing...

Hey, my wandering son....
You are splendidly fucking my shit up. 
I crave you like craving to a cigarette.
I quest you from Socrates to Wilde.
I starve you a million.
I want to love and have you so tremendously.
We're beyond that though.
You are so magnetic;
People like to gravitate around you, for the shake that you are that divine and excessive.
Less, I cannot cane you.
You're inattentive and I feel so foolish for still wanting to have you.
It's nearly awful to be mindful of something so clear that we'll never get to share.
I don’t even care that you don’t care.
I don’t even care that you cannot speak.
I don’t even care if you don’t want settle in my mind.
I undeniably want you now.
 Hell, I probably want you even more because of it.
Getting a taste has exhaustively destroyed me.
 I'll just sit here waiting for you to realize this is exactly what it's split up to be.

*Ah, My plant has no enough water.

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